Wednesday 6 August 2014

Never thought I would see the day..........

But I have joined a running club.  Well actually a jogging club.

It was brilliant.  It was down at the community hub at the football stadium and is for absolute beginners like me.  We walked down and jogged along the canal.  The jogging was at a much slower pace than I have been doing my C25K at.  It meant I could do it for longer so next time I am out on my runs I am going to use that pace. It was slow though.  I could probably walk faster ;-).  But it was definitely right for us as I jogged a good few mins longer than every before.

Really pleased with myself.  It cost me £1.  That is all.  Just such a good service that the community hub is offering.  There were only two of us this week but I do hope it becomes more popular.

Down with steps

I got up and duly booked my legs bums and tums.  Got down to the gym, walked in and yet again the teacher is on holiday.  No problem they have cover.  Except it was a step class.  I wish they had told met hat when I booked.

Last time I did a step class I really hurt my poorly knee.  I walked in and walked back out.  Not prepared to do something to my knee which will mean I can't do any of the other classes.

I didn't go home though.  I did 10K on the bike.  Wasn't a wasted journey.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

No body combat :(

Gutted.  Rang to book but the teacher is still on holiday and there was no-one to take the class.  I need my punchy kicky............

I went for a run instead.  But I struggled with it.  Not sure why.  Could be the fact it was about 26 degrees.  First time I was unable to finish my run.  I missed out the last two runs on the run/walk schedule.    Disappointed with myself.

Didn't do any exercise yesterday.  I had the kids all day again.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Good weekend.

Not blogged for a few days.  Wednesday I couldn't do anything as I had the kids.  Thursday I managed to fit in one aquacise class and Friday I had the kids all day again.  It's so difficult to fit anything in.

Saturday and Sunday no chance!!  Went to the races all day on saturday and drank LOADS.  I mean loads.  Eating wasn't too bad really.  We did have macdonalds breakfast but my meal out wasn't too bad.  It was absolutely amazing.  We went to a turkish restaurant in Doncaster and I can't even remember what I had but it was STUNNING.  

Must get back to the grind.....

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Short and sweet

Managed to do body combat this morning. The teacher was on holiday so we had a relief teacher.  She was only able to do 45 minutes as she had a class elsewhere.  I was so glad.  SO bloody hot in the room!!!

Monday 28 July 2014

Cycling but not proficient

Well that was fun!

I went to a cycling lesson this evening.  I genuinely didn't even know which way my hat went on!!  Seriously I know NOTHING about bikes.  BUT I would like to be able to go to my Cancer Research UK meetings and my WI meetings on my bike which means I can have 2 pints of lager........  I checked the drink drive laws about bikes and as long as I am not 'drunk' and I am in control of my bike.  BRILLIANT.

So I thought I had better learn how to ride it.  Was good.  I hope to go in future weeks.  I learnt about how to get on and off and also learned that my bike is not set up right for me.  It's too low.  I hope to be able to get out and ride but I am scared of riding on the road.  I guess it's just confidence I need.  And a bike lock...

Bloody hell - How much?

Well I shall start with weigh in shall I? Could have been a LOT worse.  I stayed the same.  I am trying to see this as a victory but I know that the weekend of fun will be evident next weigh in instead..... So still 8lb lost.  About a million to go!

Actually I probably should say how much I have to lose to be in the healthy range of things.  My BMI started this journey at 36.4.  This is the obese category which isn't a surprise.   In order to get to a BMI of 25 (this is classed as the top of the healthy weight band) I needed to lose 73lb. Which equates to 5st 3lb.

Currently my BMI is 35.1 and I now have 65 lb to lose.  This is 4st 9lb. I have shied away somewhat from writing this down or even working it out because it can just seem so insurmountable and be counter productive. I am trying to work in pounds and assuming to just get to the next lowest ten.  As in my next goal would be for my pounds to lose to be in the 50s not the 60s.  Hopefully achievable in the next two weeks of I can stay away from the fish and chips ;-)

The aqua Zumba teacher was ill this week so I did two aqua cise classes back to back.  Very different teachers for each and very different styles.  Good but my skin is very dry now.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Summer holiday

Not been doing much the last few days.  Unfortunately my eldest was ill and off school Wednesday so that put paid to any gym plans I had.  Then they broke up school and I had them both on Thursday so no opportunity to do anything.
Friday I went away for the weekend to the seaside and it was just lovely.  We stayed Friday and Saturday night and got home at 9pm Sunday. 
There was the weirdest thing.  Sat in the bar on Friday night and my quads stayed really aching.  As if they really wanted to get up and do a run or something.  Is this normal?  I had to go into the ladies loos and stretch them off!  Madness.
We had fish and chips twice and also consumed 9 pints of lager in those three days.  Oops.  We were on holiday! We did do am awful lot of walking I guys.  Averaging about 11,000 steps a day.  Soles of my feet hurt! 
So I know it's bad.  I expect weigh in tomorrow to be awful.  But I have had such a lovely time with my family that I really don't care :-)

Tuesday 22 July 2014

How to look good naked

Body combat today and it was the new routine.  I took plenty of water cos it's boiling but today was hard.  The new routine is harder anyway but the heat made it worse.  Closest I have been to actually throwing up in the gym class for a long time.  

Awesome though.  Punch and kick all your troubles away.  My knee injury is giving me a bit of gyp and lunging on that side hurts.  Need to rest it between workouts which I definitely don't do.  Was intending on doing some painting and decorating this afternoon but decided against it.  Enough to do with the washing and ironing and I have a poorly child too.

I am noticing muscle definition coming back into my legs.   Could do with some muscle in my mummy tummy...  I am hoping the old adage is true:

'Dieting makes you look good in clothes but exercise makes you look good naked'

Not sure how it's gonna help with all my spare skin since having the kids but I can but try!  Saving my spare change in the tummy tuck pot for when the weight is gone heh heh.

Monday 21 July 2014

Not all women like pink!

Why is all work out gear for women pink? Doesn't seem very fair.  I went to sports direct for some new running shoes.  I was ages and ages looking over the shoes with growing disappointment. The shoes were all pink, black and pink, pink and purple, yellow and pink.... Just all pink! the sales man could sense my disgust and asked me if he wanted to go and look around the blokes section. I was very grateful and choose some lovely ones. These are red and black and lovely. The men's section had loads more colours to choose from. No pink in sight.

It was the same when I went to look at tops. All pink or pink + another colour. Some women do not like pink! I find it insulting that that was 90% off the workout gear. Minus the black of course. 

Going down......

Loss of 3lb this week :-) that's over half a stone in two weeks so I can't grumble about that.  Especially since I discovered how many calories 7 pints of lager is!  (1365! Bloody hell!)

Must stay on track this week as I am going away for the weekend in the caravan. 

Been to aquacise today.  Both classes.  The first one was supposed to be aqua Zumba but the teacher was on holiday so it was two aquacise classes instead.  They were different classes though with different teachers so I feel I worked out differently.  Good. 

Tired now and I have to find some energy from somewhere to paint some more doors.  Urgh.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Few days off....

Been a bit naughty. 

I haven't done any exercise since my run on Wednesday.  I just haven't had the inclination.

Friday I was stuck ask day again as my car was being serviced.  I was so grumpy that I went out,  drank seven pints of lager,  ate a plateful of buffet food and sang Meatloaf on the karaoke.  Fun night And just what I needed but not great for my health!  My mental health needed it though.

So then yesterday and today I decided to spend the days with my kids.  Saturday morning we went to the cinema,  I was going to go for a run in the afternoon but we had the mother of all thunderstorms right over us.  The lightening was a bit scary!  Then my hubby went out in the evening so I was on child duty.  Today I had a lovely family day with the kids.  Really needed it.

Nutrition wise it could have been better but I didn't go crazy.  Will definitely be over my calorie goal - I haven't added it up yet.  Daren't!  but hopefully not over my daily recommended amount.  Apart from Friday which I think I blitzed in alcohol alone......

Back on it tomorrow.  Weigh day in the morning which is always sobering.  Then aquacise and more glossing. Getting high off the fumes....

Friday 18 July 2014


Gonna be honest am struggling a little.  Been fairly dizzy these past two days so not felt like doing anything.  Couldn't go to the gym or run yesterday because I had people coming to do some work in the garden.  Instead I painted some doors in the kitchen that I have been meaning to get round to. 

My car is in for service today and I have motivational issues. I am wearing my gym kit but I cannot get up off the sofa.  I am shattered.  Didn't sleep much thanks to being dizzy so am thinking about getting a nap in....

I am still under my calories for yesterday and should be today also.  So it's not all gone to pot.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Go me!

I did a run in the afternoon after legs bums and tums.  Go me!  Run 2 of the C25K. It was hard going add it was bloody boiling.  No idea how am gonna progress to week three cos this was bad enough....

Surely I am a size 8 by now....

Todays class was legs,  bums and tums again.  Slightly different routine but same principle.  I used a 4kg weight for bicep work and a 2kg for tricep.  Was about right.  At first I thought the 2kg was too light but after a million tricep exercises it was all burning! 

But that's arms I hear you cry!  Yep. Confuses me too.  They should rename it. There is a lot of lunging and floor work which works the legs and tummy and today we did some bum lifts and squeezes we didn't do last week.  Not much cardio so I am going to try and fit in going out for a run later.

Am I a size 8 yet?  Feels like I have been doing this forever.....